I am pleased to announce the addition of a dedicated "Lesson Quiz" tab for lessons:
I think this is a lot clearer to have on its own tab.
This also simplifies the "Lesson Summary" tab which has had the "Lesson Quiz" content removed:
In order to make sure that you can go directly to whichever part of a lesson you want (summary, quiz or words), the "Online Lessons" page has also been changed. The most noticeable change is the addition of a new "Quiz" column, which takes you straight to the "Lesson Quiz" tab. Another improvement, though not immediately noticeable, is that now the number of words will take you directly to the list of words for that lesson:
So the three columns (Name, Words and Quiz) now each take you directly to a different part of a lesson. For example, for the "Animals" quiz:
- the Name "Animals" will take you directly to the "Lesson Summary" tab
- the Words total "79" will take you directly to the list of 79 words in the "Lesson Words" tab
- the Quiz link will take you directly to the "Lesson Quiz" tab
This small change should make using Lingopolo just that little bit easier for you.